
I don’t typically draw dragons, but on occasion I just can’t help it. A while back I started this illustration and I finally found a bit of time to finish it. He is called Red Mane, and I’m pretty sure he and the lady on his back defend some temple or something ancient and important like that. The banner-carrying is probably part of some ceremonial or commemorative occasion. If you know for sure, or have another idea, please let me know…

More Dragony Doodles!

For some reason in the last couple days my warm-up doodles kept turning into dragons. At first I was fighting it, like “No! Draw more original monsters!” but after a while I caved and I was happy to find out that I can churn out dragon designs without even thinking. These are some of those doodles. I guess it makes sense that my brain can barf out buckets of dragons because I constantly draw dinosaurs (whose skeletons almost certainly influenced ancient peoples’ dragon lore), and because I am just a big dork who never outgrew his boyhood enjoyment of the Arthurian legends (and yes, I went through a pretty serious dragon drawing phase at that time). 

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